This is a note taken in Chinese for my data science course Social Network Mining.
We use this as our textbook. And our course includes the following parts: Introduction, Essentials (Graph Essentials, Network Measures, Network Models, Data Mining Essentials), Communities and Interactions (Community Analysis, Information Diffusion in Social Media), Applications (Influence and Homophily, Recommendation in Social Media, Behavior Analytics).
This is my course note taken in Chinese.
This is a note taken in Chinese for my data science course Advanced Big Data Analytics.
Our course includes the following parts: Linux Command, Spark, Operating System (includes concepts about both cpu and process), and GPU.
I will be a research assistant under the guidance of Prof.Xiang Ren at USC next term, hence I’m reading some related papers and taking some notes for preparation.
Since my previous research area is Natural Language Processing, I may concentrate my research more on Sequence Labeling and Language Modeling.
This is a note taken in Chinese for my data science course Data Visualization.
This is a note taken in Chinese for my data science course Artificial Intelligence (DATA130008.01) in School of Data Science @Fudan University. .
Here is our class website and this is a repo including all projects and labs in my course. We use Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach (Third Edition) as our textbook. And our course includes the following parts: Artificial Intelligence (Introduction, Intelligent Agents), Problem-solving (Solving Problems by Searching, Beyond Classical Search, Adversarial Search, Constraint Satisfaction Problems), Uncertain Knowledge and reasoning (Probabilistic Reasoning, Probabilistic Reasoning over Time, Making Simple Decisions, Making Complex Decisions), Learning (Reinforcement learning).